Artist Spotlight | Iain Carby


All at McTear’s are saddened to hear of the passing of Iain Carby. Known for his bright landscapes and red cypress trees, his colourful paintings brought joy to many, and he has long been a favourite for bidders at McTear’s. Our thoughts and deepest sympathies are with Iain’s family and friends. In March of 2022, we interviewed Iain for our Artist Spotlight, which can be read below.



This March’s Artist Spotlight features Iain Carby. Known for his bright landscapes and red cypress trees, Iain Carby is always a favourite for bidders at McTear’s. Pictures Specialist Makenzie Cool interviewed Carby to get an insight into his artistic ambitions and inspirations, and a little bit more about the life of this well-loved artist. 


Q: When did you start painting? Or did you start with another artform first?

Carby: At art school 1995

Q: When did you start to develop your distinct style?

Carby: It’s part of my signature so it came with me .



Q: Who were or are your artistic influences? 

Carby: Joan Miro,Salvador Dali,the impressionists all the way back to the cave painters.

Q: What is your favourite dessert?

Carby: That’s a broad subject and is now reflected in my figure !

Q: What is your favourite beverage? 

Carby:  Laphroig

Q: Where is your favourite place in Scotland? 

Carby:  St lanes on the Isle of Bute

Q: Is there a medium that you have not yet worked with, but would like to try? 

Carby: Sculpture in stone .

Q: What are other interests you hold outside of painting?

Carby: Gardening

Q: Are you into fashion? If not, what is your favourite item of clothing? 

Carby: Comfy old jumper

Q: What is one painting by someone else (well known or not) that you wish you had done? 

Carby: The Farm by Joan Miro


Q: What is your favourite painting you have done yourself? Did you keep it for yourself, sell it, was it a commission etc? 

Carby: Any of my Red Tree paintings, I have kept the original.

Q: What is your favourite holiday? 

Carby: Mauritius Silver Beaches

Q: If you could choose someone to play you in a film, who would you choose? 

Carby: Not bothered

Q: What are you the proudest of in life/what is your biggest accomplishment? 

Carby: My children

Q: Who is your favourite artist? 

Carby: Joan Miro

Q: If you didn’t paint, what would you want your career to be

Carby: A surgeon.

Q: Tea or coffee?

Carby: Coffee

Q: What is your favourite book? 

Carby: Kidnapped by RLS



Q: What is your favourite time of the day?

Carby: Morning


Q: What are three things you cannot live without?

Carby: My wife Margaret, paint and my garden.


Q: What are you currently reading?

Carby: Newspapers

Q: Do you have any advice you would give your younger self? (art related, or not) 

Carby: Learn some languages


Q: Do you speak any languages besides English?

Carby: No

Q: Favourite sports team? 

Carby: Beith Juniors

Q: Do you collect anything? 

Carby: Memories.


Makenzie Cool

Makenzie Cool

Makenzie Cool

Pictures Specialist

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