For almost 200 years the world’s most prestigious watchmakers have developed and refined their craft to create wristwatches that stand the test of time. Today these wonderful timepieces sit alongside the finest of jewels, sought after by collectors in every corner of the land. Buying and selling these horological gems is an art in itself, and one that has been perfected by McTear’s. From Rolex, Breitling and Patek Philippe to IWC, Longines and Omega, the watches team brings years of horological experience to bear to match the world’s finest timepieces with collectors in over 120 countries.
Entries are invited for our watches auction taking place on 11th August. For a free auction valuation or to discuss the auction, please contact our specialists on 0141 810 2880, or visit the Auction Galleries in Glasgow. Alternatively please complete the form below and we will be back in touch with you.